Wednesday 20 January 2016

GCSEs and A-levels Revision Tips!

Are you expecting A*s for your GCSEs or A levels? If you are determined to get the grades you expect to achieve, revision is a big part of the journey which gets you directly to your goal. These revision methods are not only for GCSEs and A levels, they are also valid for any exam or test you might have.

Now, people have different ways to revise but preparation is one of the most relevant keys to exams, interviews and anything which relies on your knowledge, confidence and hard work.

This types of revision can easily optimise your study time until the exams. 

1. Practise. Practise. Practise!

One of the best strategies for high-achievers is practising questions by getting hold of as many past papers as you can and keep doing them. This will definitely help you understand the exam conditions provided before mocks and exams, ensuring you are ready for the exam!

Practising past papers will help you familiarise with:

  • Question style
  • Exam format
  • Terminology required in exam
  • Time management under exam conditions
  • Retrieving information quicker
You can also download the mark scheme of that exam if it is provided and check yourself and see what is required in the exam to get the right marks! 

The following links are some very useful websites where you can find past papers for GCSEs, A levels and more. Have a look at: 

2. Revision Timetables!

Do you want to use all your time efficiently? 
Do you want to have all your revision done by a chosen time?
No-one sticks to the timetables, they aren't useful anyway. Yes, they are!

Revision timetables help you organise your revision sessions, they make sure you accomplish things one at a time, they help you prioritise tasks and help you finish all your revision by your proposed date. 

3.  Breaks!

While you're revising, do you often feel like you won't take in any more information? Do you feel exhausted and keep excusing yourself from revising to eat, watch tv or anything else? 

While you are revising, make sure you take regular breaks to engage your mind and to give your brain some rest. Exercising would be a very effective way to spend your break time as it clears your mind from any anxiety or stress and it can improve your exam performance overall.  You will be much more focused while you study if you do this. 

Don't overthink exams too much! Getting nervous is always good to keep you going! Just remember, prepare and revise beforehand, especially not on the last day!

Side note: I will be posting more often about tips for students and about many students' experiences on almost everything which will help you tackle many of the questions a lot of students got and still get.